Yi-Yuan Huang

大学院博士課程D2 Ph.D. Candidate


  • 2014-2018 National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, School of Occupational Therapy- Bachelor of Science
  • 2018-2020 National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, School of Occupational Therapy- Master of Science
    • Thesis title: The hierarchical representation of prediction and prediction errors in human brains: An EEG study
  • 2020- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻生命環境科学系 博士課程(在学中)

Research Field

  • The neural mechinism of predictive coding, EEG, fMRI, nerual modeling


  • Watch Dramas, YouTube videos, Enjoy indie band music, Go sport (go mountain, biking & surfing), Go shopping