In 2024, we will not receive any application for students in our lab.
We previously worked and currently work with students and post-docs who are unable to speak Japanese. In the courses for international students, you can receive supports for your Japanese daily life and student life and take some Japanese courses.
We accept talks in English and collaborative institutes and departments regularly provide lecture courses in English.
Master and Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Previous exams are available here in Japanese.
iPHISEM; The University of Tokyo International Program for Human Integrative Science and Education of Mind (国際短期プログラム)
Program for Human Integrative Science and Education of Mind (PHISEM) is a University-wide Educational Program in The University of Tokyo supported by UTokyo Institute for Diversity & Adaptation of Human Mind (UTIDAHM). UTIDAHM was established in 2015 to promote interdisciplinary collaboration studies for human brain and mind and consists of seven faculties: the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the Graduate School of Science, and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. PHISEM also provides interdisciplinary education programs for the undergraduate and graduate students from 2016. As academic members in UTIDAHM and PHISEM have already provided international internship programs in the scheme of their faculties, we start to provide an international program for promoting undergraduate and graduate students in universities abroad to learn interdisciplinary approach for understanding human brain and mind.
Short-term international student (短期留学生)
We can accept short-term international students who are a undergraduate/graduate school student and finished an undergraduate course or equivalent grade (i.e. 5th grade of medical course). This is a form of collaborative studies with your tutor(s) and the applicant learns according to the collaborative study plan. Therefore, the applicant needs a research proposal and plan approved by me and the tutor. This is a collaborative research style and therefore, the period and duration of your program is flexible.
Graduate School Research Student (大学院外国人研究生)
We can accept graduate school research students who want to admit to our lab as a master course graduate school student and settle into Japanese life and education for 6 or 12 months. This is an official program in the department and the applicant needs to submit an approved research proposal in the application. The application outline is announced in January and the deadline is in February for admitting in September and September in next April.
Be aware that Graduate School Research Student Program has no examination and seems rather easier to admit to the University. However, we are unable to confirm whether the student admit to the Master and Doctor Program in the next term. The candidates in the programs are strictly screened by the examination and presentation including other staffs in the Department.
Writing a research proposal
Please include the sections in your research proposal.
- What you have learned
- Study background related to the proposal
- Study background related to the proposal in our lab
- What you want to do in our lab
- Materials and methods
- Participants
- Measures
- Data preprocessing
- Statistical analysis
- Expected results
- The relationship between the results and what you want to know
- Planned study period in your visit
- References